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RED0019.JPG RED0019. Napoleon or humphead wrasse; Cheilinius undulatus; large four-foot fish is used to handouts; Red Sea
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RED0025.JPG RED0025. (CLN53) two-band anemonefish; Amphiprion bicinctus; guards its territory; protected by stinging tentacles of host anemone Entacmaea quadricolor; Red Sea
RED0061.JPG RED0061. eye of a sleeping parrotfish; family Scaridae; near Sharm el Sheikh; Egypt; Red Sea
RED0064.JPG RED0064. emperor angelfish; Pomacanthus imperator; uncommon and haremic; Red Sea
RED0065.JPG RED0065. coral trout Cephalopholis miniata; can change color to match mood or surroundings; Red Sea
SAL0010.JPG SAL10. male sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka breeding with female; Pacific Northwest ©Brandon Cole / Norbert Wu Productions,
SAS0014.JPG SAS0014. Southern Blue Devil Paraplesiops meleagris; common in South Australia, unafraid of divers
SAS0015.JPG SAS0015. harlequin fish; a grouper; family Serranidae; south Australia
SEY0030.JPG SEY0030. yellow phase of spotted puffer Arothron meleagris; Seychelles; Indian Ocean
SEY0033.JPG SEY0033. powder-blue surgeonfish; Acanthurus leucosternon; Seychelles; Indian Ocean
SEY0036.JPG SEY0036. emperor angelfish; Pomacanthus imperator; Seychelles; Indian Ocean
SEY0037.JPG SEY0037. blue-spotted grouper Cephalopholis miniata; Seychelles; Indian Ocean
SEY0038.JPG SEY38. sunset wrasse; Thalassoma lutescens; hunts for food in sand; Seychelles Islands
SEY0039.JPG SEY0039. wrasse; Coris species; Seychelles; Indian Ocean
SHP0075.JPG SHP0075. California moray (Gymnothorax mordax) being cleaned by red rock shrimp (Lysmata californica); ©Mark Conlin / Norbert Wu Productions,
SOL0004.JPG SOL0004. raggy scorpionfish; Scorpaenopsis venosa; camouflaged by colors and fringes on mouth; Solomon Islands