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PNG0028.JPG PNG0028. lined or blubanded surgeonfish, Acanthurus lineatus, Papua New Guinea
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PNG0030.JPG PNG0030. school of Goldman's sweetlips Plectorhinchus goldmanni; Papua New Guinea
QCH0002.JPG QCH0002. tiger rockfish; Sebastes nigrocinctus; aggressive territorial; Queen Charlotte Islands; Canada
QCH0003.JPG QCH0003. China rockfish; Sebastes nebulosus; Queen Charlotte Islands; Canada
QCH0004.JPG QCH0004. longfin sculpin; Jordania zonope; among stony corals; Balanophyllia elegans; Queen Charlotte Islands; Canada
RAJ0025.JPG butterflyfish, Raja Ampat islands, Indonesia
RAJ0026.JPG Regal angelfish (Pygoplites diacanthus), Raja Ampat islands, Indonesia
RAJ0027.JPG male Lamarck's angel fish Genicanthus lamarcki, Raja Ampat islands, Indonesia
RAJ0028.JPG cleaner wrasse service a puffer, Raja Ampat islands, Indonesia
RAJ0032.JPG yellow ribbon sweetlips (Plectorhinchus polytaenia), Raja Ampat islands, Indonesia
RED0003.JPG RED0003. Napoleon or humphead wrasse; Cheilinius undulatus; large four-foot fish is used to handouts; Red Sea
RED0010.JPG RED0010. lionfish; Pterois sp.; advertises poisonous spines with large fins; Red Sea
RED0011.JPG RED0011. coral grouper; Cephalopholis miniata; changes color to match surroundings and mood; Red Sea
RED0013.JPG RED0013. female jewel fairy basslet; Pseudanthias squamipinnis.; female in a harem governed by supermale; Red Sea
RED0014.JPG RED0014. emperor angelfish; Pomacanthus imperator; uncommon and haremic; Red Sea
RED0017.JPG RED0017. masked butterflyfish Chaetodon semilarvatus; endemic to the Red Sea; RF