Plate 1
  • ZOO0001. coyote howling; Canis latran; California
Plate 2
  • ZOO0002. coyote howling; Canis latran; California
Plate 3
  • ZOO0003. hedgehog; native of England; defends itself by rolling into ball and exposing spines
Plate 4
  • ZOO0004. hedgehog; native of England; defends itself by rolling into ball and exposing spines
Plate 5
  • ZOO0005. opossum; California; marsupial of North America
Plate 6
  • ZOO0006. (SCH95) prairie dog; western US
Plate 7
  • ZOO0007. (SCH99) black rhinoceros; Diceros bicornis; less than 10;000 in wild; endangered; San Diego Zoo
Plate 8
  • ZOO0008. (SCH80) orangutan; endangered; Atlanta Zoo
Plate 9
  • ZOO0009. (SCH168) male peacock displays in mating ritual; Atlanta Zoo
Plate 10
  • ZOO0010. male peacock displays in mating ritual; Atlanta Zoo
Plate 11
  • ZOO0011. (SCH87) male peacock displays in mating ritual; Atlanta Zoo
Plate 12
  • ZOO0012. male peacock displays in mating ritual; Atlanta Zoo