FLA0038. Florida manatees or sea cows; Trichechus manatus laterostris; endangered; threatened by boat traffic; Florida
Plate 290
FLA0039. (SCH71) Florida manatee or sea cow; Trichechus manatus laterostris; endangered; threatened by boat traffic; Florida
Plate 291
FLA0040. Florida manatee or sea cow; Trichechus manatus laterostris; endangered; threatened by boat traffic; Florida
Plate 292
FLA0052. (WHL161) Florida manatee or sea cow; Trichechus manatus laterostris; endangered; threatened by boat traffic and development; Florida
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WHL0151. Florida manatees or sea cows; Trichechus manatus laterostris; endangered; threatened by boat traffic and development; Florida
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WHL0152. Florida manatee or sea cow; Trichechus manatus laterostris; endangered; threatened by boat traffic and development; Florida
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WHL0153. Florida manatee or sea cow; Trichechus manatus laterostris; endangered; threatened by boat traffic and development; Florida
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WHL0154. Florida manatee or sea cow; Trichechus manatus laterostris; endangered; threatened by boat traffic and development; shows scars from propeller injuries; Florida
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WHL0155. Florida manatees or sea cows; Trichechus manatus laterostris; mother and calf; endangered; threatened by boats and development; recent scars from propeller injuries; Florida
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WHL0156. Florida manatee or sea cow; Trichechus manatus laterostris; endangered; threatened by boat traffic and development; Florida
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WHL0157. Florida manatee or sea cow; Trichechus manatus laterostris; endangered; threatened by boat traffic and development; Florida
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WHL0158. Florida manatee or sea cow; Trichechus manatus laterostris; endangered; threatened by boat traffic and development; Florida
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WHL0159. mother and calf Florida manatee or sea cow; Trichechus manatus laterostris; endangered; threatened by boat traffic and development; playful around divers, Florida
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WHL0160. Florida manatee or sea cow; Trichechus manatus laterostris; endangered; threatened by boat traffic and development; Florida