Plate 181
  • SHK1029. tiger shark; Galeocerdo cuvier; one of the most dangerous sharks; many attacks on man; all tropical seas; Australia ©Lynn Cropp / Norbert Wu Productions,
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  • SHK1030. tiger shark; Galeocerdo cuvier; one of the most dangerous sharks; many attacks on man; all tropical seas; Australia ©Ben Cropp / Norbert Wu Productions,
Plate 183
  • SHK1031. tiger shark; Galeocerdo cuvier; one of the most dangerous sharks; many attacks on man; all tropical seas; Bahamas ©James Watt / Norbert Wu Productions,
Plate 184
  • SHK1032. tiger shark; Galeocerdo cuvier; one of the most dangerous sharks; many attacks on man; all tropical seas; Bahamas ©James Watt / Norbert Wu Productions,
Plate 185
  • SHK1033. oceanic whitetip shark; dangerous and aggressive; open ocean only; Carcharhinus longimanus ©James Watt / Norbert Wu Productions,
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  • SHK1034. oceanic whitetip shark; dangerous and aggressive; open ocean only; Carcharhinus longimanus ©James Watt / Norbert Wu Productions,
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  • SHK1035. oceanic whitetip shark; dangerous and aggressive; open ocean only; Carcharhinus longimanus ©James Watt / Norbert Wu Productions,
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  • SHK1036. oceanic whitetip shark; dangerous and aggressive; open ocean only; Carcharhinus longimanus ©James Watt / Norbert Wu Productions,
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  • SHK1037. oceanic whitetip shark; dangerous and aggressive; open ocean only; Carcharhinus longimanus ©James Watt / Norbert Wu Productions,
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  • SHK1038. oceanic whitetip shark; dangerous and aggressive; open ocean only; Carcharhinus longimanus ©James Watt / Norbert Wu Productions,
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  • SHK1039. sandbar shark Carcharinus plumbeus; ©James Watt / Norbert Wu Productions,
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  • SHK1040. blue shark eating mackerel; Prionace glauca; an open ocean predator; California ©James Watt / Norbert Wu Productions,