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  • SHK0146. oceanic whitetip shark, Carcharhinus longimanus, dangerous and aggressive; open ocean only, Hawaii
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  • SHK0147. oceanic whitetip shark, Carcharhinus longimanus, dangerous and aggressive; open ocean only, Hawaii
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  • SHK0148. bull shark; Carcharhinus leucas; aggressive and territorial; one of three shark species responsible for 95% of all attacks; Bahamas
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  • SHK0149. bull shark; Carcharhinus leucas; aggressive and territorial; one of three shark species responsible for 95% of all attacks; Bahamas
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  • SHK0150. tiger shark Galeocerdo cuvier; responsible for most shark attacks in tropical waters, Bahamas
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  • SHK0151. tiger shark; Galeocerdo cuvier; one of the most dangerous sharks; many attacks on man; all tropical seas; Bahamas
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  • SHK0152. tiger shark; Galeocerdo cuvier; one of the most dangerous sharks; many attacks on man; all tropical seas; Bahamas
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  • SHK0153. great hammerhead shark Sphyrna mokarron; large 12-foot shark; Bahamas
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  • SHK1001. megamouth shark; only three specimens ever caught; Southern California; deep-sea ©Bruce Rasner / Norbert Wu Productions,
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  • SHK1002. megamouth shark; Megachasma pelagios; only three specimens ever caught; Southern California; deep-sea ©Bruce Rasner / Norbert Wu Productions,
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  • SHK1003. megamouth shark; Megachasma pelagios;only three specimens ever caught; Southern California; deep-sea; ©Bruce Rasner / Norbert Wu Productions,
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  • SHK1004. megamouth shark;Megachasma pelagios; only three specimens ever caught; Southern California; deep-sea ©Bruce Rasner / Norbert Wu Productions,