PEW0061. a vendor filets whale meat, probably from minke whales, Tokyo, Japan
Plate 62
PEW0062. market workers drive gas powered carts in the bustling Tsukiji Market, Tokyo, Japan
Plate 63
PEW0063. fresh swordfish (Xiphias gladius) displayed for auction, Tsukiji market, Tokyo, Japan
Plate 64
PEW0064. dead coral reef bleached in 1998 El Nino, shows some regrowth, Palau
Plate 65
PEW0065. dead coral reef bleached in 1998 El Nino, shows some regrowth, Palau
Plate 66
PEW0066. crown-of-thorns (Acanthaster planci), population explosion, venomous starfish feed on and damage coral reefs, cause of explosion is a mystery, Palau
Plate 67
PEW0067. Ron Leidich (MR avail) cleans reef of crown-of-thorns(Acanthaster planci), venomous starfish damage coral reefs, cause of explosion is a mystery, Palau
Plate 68
PEW0068. dead coral reef bleached in 1998 El Nino, shows some regrowth, Palau
Plate 69
PEW0069. small coral colony is regrowing on dead coral reef bleached in 1998 El Nino, Palau
Plate 70
PEW0070. coral reef is dying, choked by sediments flowing from river, Airai reef, Palau
Plate 71
PEW0071. coral reef is dying, choked by sediments flowing from river, Airai reef, Palau
Plate 72
PEW0072. boat moorings at Christmas Reef, coral reef once damaged by too many tourists has recovered nicely due to measures like moorings, Palau