PEW0026. herring caught in net, used as bait for sportfishing, Baja Mexico
Plate 27
PEW0027. beach closure due to sewage spill, sewage spills and uncontrolled runoff threaten coastal ecosystems, Monterey California
Plate 28
PEW0028. trash on beach, over abundance of human trash impact coastal ecosystems, Sardinia Italy
Plate 29
PEW0029. algae covers a once thriving coral reef, algae blooms due to agricultural runoff threaten coral reefs and other coastal ecosystems, Hawaii
Plate 30
PEW0030. shrimpers use winch to haul in trawler nets, Texas, USA, Gulf of Mexico
Plate 31
PEW0031. shrimpers with fresh catch, bars of a turtle excluder device (TED) are visible in the trawl net, Corpus Cristi, Texas, USA, Gulf of Mexico
Plate 32
PEW0032. shrimp trawl catch, primarily composed of juvenile fish, benthic invertebrates, and other bycatch, up to 12 times bycatch for 1 lb of shrimp Texas, USA, Gulf of Mexico
Plate 33
PEW0033. shrimpers cull their catch, up to 12 times bycatch for 1 lb of shrimp, populations/habitat threatened by too many trawlers, Texas, USA, Gulf of Mexico
Plate 34
PEW0034. shrimpers cull their catch, up to 12 times bycatch for 1 lb of shrimp, populations/habitat threatened by too many trawlers, Texas, USA, Gulf of Mexico
Plate 35
PEW0035. shrimpers cull their catch, up to 12 times bycatch for 1 lb of shrimp, populations/habitat threatened by too many trawlers, Texas, USA, Gulf of Mexico
Plate 36
PEW0036. shrimpers cull their catch, up to 12 times bycatch for 1 lb of shrimp, populations/habitat threatened by too many trawlers, Texas, USA, Gulf of Mexico