PEW0003. swordfish Xiphias gladius, worldwide, can tolerate temperatures of 5C and dive to 650m, use sword to kill prey such as squid, to 14 feet and 1200 lb, Sardinia, Italy, Mediterranean Sea
Plate 4
PEW0004. swordfish Xiphias gladius, worldwide, can tolerate temperatures of 5C and dive to 650m, use sword to kill prey such as squid, to 14 feet and 1200 lb, Sardinia, Italy, Mediterranean Sea
Plate 5
PEW0005. swordfish Xiphias gladius, worldwide, stocks are dwindling, population is threatened by overfishing, Sardinia, Italy, Mediterranean Sea
Plate 6
PEW0006. swordfish Xiphias gladius, worldwide, stocks are dwindling, population is threatened by overfishing, Sardinia, Italy, Mediterranean Sea
Plate 7
PEW0007. swordfish Xiphias gladius, worldwide, stocks are dwindling, population is threatened by overfishing, Sardinia, Italy, Mediterranean Sea
Plate 8
PEW0008. swordfish Xiphias gladius, worldwide, stocks are dwindling, population is threatened by overfishing, Sardinia, Italy, Mediterranean Sea
Plate 9
PEW0009. oceanic whitetip shark (Carcharhinus longimanus) hooked on longline, threatened by over fishing to supply high demand for fins and flesh, Baja Mexico
Plate 10
PEW0010. blue shark (Prionace glauca) hooked on longline, threatened by over fishing to supply high demand for fins and flesh, Baja Mexico
Plate 11
PEW0011. shark (Carcharhinus sp.) caught by shark fisherman, threatened by over fishing to supply high demand for fins and flesh, Baja Mexico
Plate 12
PEW0012. blue sharks (Prionace glauca) caught by shark fisherman, threatened by over fishing to supply high demand for fins and flesh, Baja Mexico