INV0202. yellow cactus sponge Dendrilla antarctica, and orange dendritic sponge Clathria nidificata perched in the foreground on the green sponge Latrunculia apicalis, Antarctica
Plate 189
INV0203. invertebrate scene, Antarctica
Plate 190
INV0204. rubber sponge Leucetta leptorhapsis (lower right), basketball sponge Tetilla leptoderma (left), and probably fan sponge Calyx arcuarius (top), Antarctica
Plate 191
INV0205. yellow cactus sponge Dendrilla membranosa, Halicum(left), and Rossella racovitzae (white sponge, top middle), Antarctica
Plate 192
INV0206. yellow ball sponge Suberites montiniger, Alcyonium paessleri(right corner), and knobby sponge Sphaerotylus antarctica between them, Antarctica