Plate 181
  • INV0195. invertebrate scene, Antarctica
Plate 182
  • INV0196. invertebrate scene with yellow cactus sponge Dendrilla antarctica and soft coral Alcyonium paessleri (pink), Antarctica
Plate 183
  • INV0197. invertebrate scene with brown saguaro sponge Phorbus areolata, bryozoan, and cone sponge Polymastia invaginata, Antarctica
Plate 184
  • INV0198. sea urchin Sterechinus neumayeri, isopod Glyptonotus antarcticus, and nemertean proboscis worm Parborlasia corrugatus, Antarctica
Plate 185
  • INV0199. Cucumaria ferrari and yellow cactus sponge Dendrilla antarctica, Antarctica
Plate 186
  • INV0200. yellow cactus sponge Dendrilla antarctica, Antarctica
Plate 187
  • INV0201. rubber sponge Leucetta leptoraphis and yellow cactus sponge Dendrilla antarctica, Antarctica
Plate 188
  • INV0202. yellow cactus sponge Dendrilla antarctica, and orange dendritic sponge Clathria nidificata perched in the foreground on the green sponge Latrunculia apicalis, Antarctica
Plate 189
  • INV0203. invertebrate scene, Antarctica
Plate 190
  • INV0204. rubber sponge Leucetta leptorhapsis (lower right), basketball sponge Tetilla leptoderma (left), and probably fan sponge Calyx arcuarius (top), Antarctica
Plate 191
  • INV0205. yellow cactus sponge Dendrilla membranosa, Halicum(left), and Rossella racovitzae (white sponge, top middle), Antarctica
Plate 192
  • INV0206. yellow ball sponge Suberites montiniger, Alcyonium paessleri(right corner), and knobby sponge Sphaerotylus antarctica between them, Antarctica