Plate 169
  • INV0182. rubber sponge Leucetta leptoraphis, Antarctica
Plate 170
  • INV0183. fan sponge Calyx arcuarius, Antarctica
Plate 171
  • INV0184. pink staghorn Microxina benedeni (older name is Gellius benedeni), Antarctica (ID in question, looks very different from INV212
Plate 172
  • INV0185. yellow ball sponge Suberites montiniger, Antarctica
Plate 173
  • INV0186. red sponge Kirkpatrickia variolosa, Antarctica
Plate 174
  • INV0187. sponge Isodictya sp. (among the white haliclonid (probably) sponges
Plate 175
  • INV0188. bush sponge Homaxinella balfourensis, anemone Isotealia antarctica, and unidentified haliclonid (probably) sponge, Antarctica
Plate 176
  • INV0189. unidentified sponge
Plate 177
  • INV0190. unidentified sponge
Plate 178
  • INV0191. polychaete sponge Isodictya erinacea, Antarctica
Plate 179
  • INV0193. white sponge(on top left), yellow cactus sponge Dendrilla membranosa, cone sponge Polymastia invaginata, and brown saguaro sponge(at top right) Phorbas areolatus, Antar.TIF
Plate 180
  • INV0194. invertebrate scene with soft coral Alcyonium paessleri(upper middle) and urchin Sterechinus neumayeri, Antarctica