Plate 133
  • INV0136. chiton, Antarctica, Callochiton steinenii
Plate 134
  • INV0137. bivalve Laternula elliptica, siphons show when it is buried, Antarctica
Plate 135
  • INV0138. bivalve Laternula elliptica, Antarctica
Plate 136
  • INV0139. polychaete worm Flabelligera mundata, example of Antarctic gigantism, Antarctica
Plate 137
  • INV0141. polychaete worm, Antarctica
Plate 138
  • INV0142. sea star Odontaster validus, near tentacles of polychaete worm which captures prey with tentacles, Antarctica
Plate 139
  • INV0143. cone sponge Polymastia invaginata among nemerteans (proboscis worms) Parborlasia corrugatus, Antarctica
Plate 140
  • INV0144. probably nudibranch Tritoniella belli egg case, Antarctica
Plate 141
  • INV0145. unidentified, Antarctica
Plate 142
  • INV0146. lacy bryozoan Reteporella sp, Antarctica
Plate 143
  • INV0147. unidentified bryozoan, with featherduster worm Potamilla antarctica, Antarctica
Plate 144
  • INV0148. bryozoan Camptoplites sp., Antarctica