Plate 121
  • INV0124. aeolid nudibranch (Notaeolidia depressa), Antarctica
Plate 122
  • INV0125. dorid nudibranch Austrodoris kerguelenensis, feeds on sponges, Antarctica
Plate 123
  • INV0126. lamellarian gastropod Marseniopsis mollis, has no protective shell, is chemically defended, Antarctica
Plate 124
  • INV0127. Flabelligera polychaete on urchin Sterechinus nermeyeri, Antarctica
Plate 125
  • INV0128. moon snail, Antarctica; naticid gastropod
Plate 126
  • INV0129. muricid gastropod Trophon longstaffi, drills through bivalve shells to eat them, Antarctica
Plate 127
  • INV0130. chiton, Antarctica, Nuttallochiton mirandus
Plate 128
  • INV0131. sea butterfly or pteropod Clione antarctica, Antarctica. ©Dale Stokes / Mo Yung Productions; return to Norb Wu - USA
Plate 129
  • INV0132. octopus Pareledone polymorpha, Antarctica
Plate 130
  • INV0133. Laternula elliptica, Antarctica
Plate 131
  • INV0134. scallop Adamussium colbecki, Antarctica
Plate 132
  • INV0135. Clavularia frankliniani on shell, Antarctica ©Dale Stokes / Mo Yung Productions; return to Norb Wu - USA