Antarctic Invertebrate Images
Photographs from Norbert Wu Productions
Plate 121
INV0124. aeolid nudibranch (Notaeolidia depressa), Antarctica
Plate 122
INV0125. dorid nudibranch Austrodoris kerguelenensis, feeds on sponges, Antarctica
Plate 123
INV0126. lamellarian gastropod Marseniopsis mollis, has no protective shell, is chemically defended, Antarctica
Plate 124
INV0127. Flabelligera polychaete on urchin Sterechinus nermeyeri, Antarctica
Plate 125
INV0128. moon snail, Antarctica; naticid gastropod
Plate 126
INV0129. muricid gastropod Trophon longstaffi, drills through bivalve shells to eat them, Antarctica
Plate 127
INV0130. chiton, Antarctica, Nuttallochiton mirandus
Plate 128
INV0131. sea butterfly or pteropod Clione antarctica, Antarctica. ©Dale Stokes / Mo Yung Productions; return to Norb Wu - USA
Plate 129
INV0132. octopus Pareledone polymorpha, Antarctica
Plate 130
INV0133. Laternula elliptica, Antarctica
Plate 131
INV0134. scallop Adamussium colbecki, Antarctica
Plate 132
INV0135. Clavularia frankliniani on shell, Antarctica ©Dale Stokes / Mo Yung Productions; return to Norb Wu - USA