DEP0026. (old FC37) viperfish; Chauliodus sloani; light organs in mouth and all along body; Southeastern Pacific (17S; 110W)
Plate 27
DEP0027. (old FC102) viperfish attacking mysids; Chauliodus spp.; luring prey in with photophores
Plate 28
DEP0028. (old FC101) viperfish; Chauliodus spp.; attacking lanternfish; but prey has light organs on tail to confuse predator
Plate 29
DEP0029. (old FC196) deep-sea swallower; Saccopharynx lavenbergi; hinged mouth swings wide open to accommodate large prey
Plate 30
DEP0030. (old FC197) deep-sea swallower; Saccopharynx lavenbergi; hinged mouth swings wide open to accommodate large prey
Plate 31
DEP0031. (old FC196) deep-sea swallower; Saccopharynx lavenbergi; hinged mouth swings wide open to accommodate large prey; Guadalupe Is.
Plate 32
DEP0032. (old FC196) deep-sea swallower; Saccopharynx lavenbergi; hinged mouth swings wide open to accommodate large prey; Guadalupe Is.
Plate 33
DEP0033. (old FC82) black swallower; Chiasmodon niger; expandable stomach can accommodate very large prey
Plate 34
DEP0034. (old FC199) deep-sea gulper; Eurypharynx pelecanoides; hinged mouth swings wide open to accommodate large prey; San Diego
Plate 35
DEP0035. (old FC28) Exterilium larva; unidentified; bizarre trailing extension of the gut; unidentified species; New Guinea
Plate 36
DEP0036. (old FC234) lamprey; Petromyzon marinus; parasite phase feed on fish by rasping through their skin; Salmon River at Lake Champlain; NY, NOT deep- sea