Plate 97
  • CRB0097. school of horse-eye and crevalle jacks; Caranx latus and Caranx hippos; around an undersea pinnacle; Saba; Caribbean
Plate 98
  • CRB0098. SYMBIOSIS: red hind grouper Epinephelus guttatus is serviced by cleaning goby; Saba; Caribbean
Plate 99
  • CRB0099. orange clump coral;Tubastrea aurea; polyps extended only at night; Dutch Antilles; Caribbean
Plate 100
  • CRB0100. BIOLUMINESCENCE: azure vase sponge; Callyspongia plicifera; flouresces blue light; Saba; Caribbean
Plate 101
  • CRB0101. brittle starfish; Ophiothrix suensonii; climb to tops of sea fans to catch plankton at night; Caribbean
Plate 102
  • CRB0102. (SCH56) hermit crab; Paguristes cadenati; eyes on stalks; hairs on arms used for sensing food in sand; Caribbean
Plate 103
  • CRB0103. spiny lobster; (Panulirus argus); largest Caribbean lobster; nocturnal; Dutch Antilles
Plate 104
  • CRB0104. polychaete worm; bristleworm; Hermodice carunculata; stings fiercely; Caribbean
Plate 105
  • CRB0105. SEQUENCE: individual coral polyps; closed up during the day; smooth flower coral; Eusmilia fastigiata; Caribbean
Plate 106
  • CRB0106. SEQUENCE: individual coral polyps; open up during the night; smooth flower coral; Eusmilia fastigiata; Caribbean
Plate 107
  • CRB0107. fire coral; a hydrocoral; Millepora alcicornis; named for its painful sting upon contact; Caribbean
Plate 108
  • CRB0108. giant anemone; Condylactis gigantea; tentacles contain stinging cells; Dutch Antilles; Caribbean