California Images
Photographs from Norbert Wu Productions
Plate 49
CAL0049. Irish lord; Hemilepidotus hemilepidotus giant sculpin; San Juan Island; Washington
Plate 50
CAL0050. lingcod Ophiodon elongatus with Caligoida copepod parasites; grow to 105 lbs; Monterey, California
Plate 51
CAL0051. California green moray; Gymnothorax mordax; breathes through mouth; Southern California
Plate 52
CAL0052. rockfish; Sebastes spp.; mouth open in aggressive posture defending territory; Monterey, California
Plate 53
CAL0053. Pacific halibut; Hippoglossus stenolepsis; ambush predator hidden in sand; Southern California
Plate 54
CAL0054. convict fish hides in anemones; Tealia lofotensis; for protection; painted greenling; Oxylebius pictus; Southern California
Plate 55
CAL0055. big skate; Raja binoculata; two large eye spots on each wing; Southern California
Plate 56
CAL0056. kelpfish seeks shelter in kelp stipes; Gibbonsia sp.; Monterey, California
Plate 57
CAL0057. clingfish seeks shelter in kelp stipes; Gobiesox sp.; Monterey, California
Plate 58
CAL0058. kelpfish mating; normally shy and secretive; Heterostichus rostratus; Southern California
Plate 59
CAL0059. (OPN41) mola mola; ocean sunfish; bizarre fish come in to kelp forest for cleaning; Monterey, California
Plate 60
CAL0060. schools of blue rockfish under kelp forest canopy; Sebastes mystinus; Monterey, California