Plate 133
  • CAL0134. submerged rock wall within kelp forest; rich with colorful invertebrates; pink hydrocorals and strawberry anemones; Pt Lobos State Park; California
Plate 134
  • CAL0135. cabezon nest at base of kelp holdfast; males protect and tend to eggs; Pt. Lobos State Park; California
Plate 135
  • CAL0136. strawberry anemones; Corynactis californica; small anemones with colonies of clones that cover vertical rock walls; Pt. Lobos State Park; California
Plate 136
  • CAL0137. decorator crab; covers itself with sponges; hydroids and bryozoans in order to camouflage itself; Pt. Lobos State Park; California
Plate 137
  • CAL0138. diver and sea lion above giant plumose anemone; Metridium giganteum found on deeper reefs; Monterey, California (MR avail)
Plate 138
  • CAL0139. Anemone Urticina piscivora eating bat sea star Asterina miniata; Southern California
Plate 139
  • CAL0140. gooseneck barnacle growing on egg-yolk jellyfish or broken egg yolk jelly; Monterey; California.
Plate 140
  • CAL0141. anemone (Tealia lofotensis) attacks and feeds on an egg-yolk jelly or medusa, Monterey; California
Plate 141
  • CAL0142. anemone (Tealia lofotensis) attacks and feeds on an egg-yolk jelly or medusa, Monterey; California
Plate 142
  • CAL0143. chiton, shell consists of eight overlapping plates or valves; Monterey, California
Plate 143
  • CAL501. Yosemite Valley, Sierras, California
Plate 144
  • CAL502. Yosemite Valley, Sierras, California