Plate 133
  • BRN0134. young orangutan,endangered; generally solitary; nest in trees; Borneo
Plate 134
  • BRN0135. mother and baby orangutan,endangered;generally solitary; nest in trees; Borneo
Plate 135
  • BRN0136. mother and baby orangutan,endangered; generally solitary; nest in trees; Borneo
Plate 136
  • BRN0137. BenŐs River Lodge; wildlife lodge; Kinabatangan River; Borneo
Plate 137
  • BRN0138. pig-tailed macaque Macaca sp.; adaptable species live in groups; Borneo
Plate 138
  • BRN0139. young orangutan,endangered; generally solitary; nest in trees; Borneo
Plate 139
  • BRN0140. young orangutan,endangered; generally solitary; nest in trees; Borneo
Plate 140
  • BRN0141. (CLN71) pink anemonefish Amphiprion perideraion; gain protection among stinging tentacles of anemone; Heteractis magnifica; Borneo
Plate 141
  • BRN0142. cleaner wrasse Labroides dimidiatus services a parrotfish; Sipadan Island; Borneo; RF
Plate 142
  • BRN0143. (SHP24) mutualism: Wheeler's shrimp goby (Amblyeleotris wheeleri) keeps watch for blind bulldozer shrimp (Alpheus ochrostriatus) which cleans burrow; Borneo
Plate 143
  • BRN0144. Flashlight fish; Photoblepharon palpebratus; light organ under eye used in mating, confusing predators, and attracting prey; Borneo
Plate 144
  • BRN0145. blacksaddle mimic filefish; Paraluteres prionurus; a remarkable mimic of poisonous puffer; Borneo