AQR0001. juvenile Koran or semi-circular angelfish; Pomacanthus semicirculatus; South Pacific
Plate 2
AQR0002. (JEL4, SCH62) mangrove jellyfish; Mastigias sp.; often lies upside down on lagoon floor; South Pacific (Note: M. papua is the stinging species that is not found in lakes
Plate 3
AQR0003. brown trout; Salmo trutta; western US; Steinhart Aquarium; San Francisco
Plate 4
AQR0004. (SCH102) Chinook salmon; Oncorhyncus tsawytscha; western US; Steinhart Aquarium; San Francisco
Plate 5
AQR0005. (SCH130) rainbow trout; Oncorhyncus mykiss; western US; Steinhart Aquarium; San Francisco
Plate 6
AQR0006. king or barred angelfish; Holocanthus passer; Sea of Cortez
Plate 7
AQR0007. (SHS1) seahorses mating; male broods eggs and gives birth; Hippocampus ingens; Pacific
Plate 8
AQR0008. leaf fish; Monocirrhus polyacanthus; mimics leaf; Amazon; Steinhart Aquarium; San Francisco
Plate 9
AQR0009. freshwater stingray; Potamotrygon species; Amazon; Steinhart Aquarium; San Francisco
Plate 10
AQR0010. blue tang; Paracanthus hepatus; Indo-Pacific
Plate 11
AQR0011. northern anchovy; feeds by straining water through gills; Engraulis mordax; California
Plate 12
AQR0012. four-eye fish; Anableps species; sees above and below water with special eyes; Amazon