Feather Star (Oxymetra sp.?). Also known as Crinoid, Ambon, Indonesia, February 2012
AMP 0153
cuttlefish above a fire urchin, Ambon, Indonesia, February 2012
AMP 0154
MIMICRY, BEHAVIOR: zebra crabs have a home among venomous spines of sea urchin, Ambon, Indonesia, February 2012
AMP 0155
MIMICRY, BEHAVIOR: zebra crabs have a home among venomous spines of sea urchin, Ambon, Indonesia, February 2012
AMP 0156
Saron shrimp, unidentified species, Ambon, Indonesia, February 2012, nocturnal, and at night, the color of its body turns primarily red
AMP 0157
mantis shrimp; Odontodactylus sp.; builds burrow and lines it with rocks, has two exits; ready to strike with claws; fastest movement in animal kingdom, Ambon, Indonesia, February 2012
AMP 0158
lobster, Ambon, Indonesia, February 2012
AMP 0159
Hairy Shrimp (Phycocaris sp.) no bigger then a grain of rice , Ambon, Indonesia, February 2012
AMP 0160
Sawtooth shrimp on whip coral, Ambon, Indonesia, February 2012
AMP 0161
pair of cuttlefish; Sepia sp.; can change colors rapidly, Ambon, Indonesia, February 2012
AMP 0162
pair of cuttlefish; Sepia sp.; can change colors rapidly, Ambon, Indonesia, February 2012
AMP 0163
BEHAVIOR SEQUENCE: flamboyant cuttlefish Metasepia pfefferi changes colors, releases milky toxin that stuns predators, Ambon, Indonesia
AMP 0164
three nudibranchs Hypselodoris emma; feeds on sponges; stores noxious compounds in body as defense, Ambon, Indonesia, February 2012
AMP 0165
unidentified dorid nudibranch, family Dorididae, stores noxious compounds in body as defense, Ambon, Indonesia, February 2012
AMP 0166
sponge releasing eggs, Ambon, Indonesia, February 2012
AMP 0167
two dorid nudibranchs, snails without shells, sea slugs, bright colors warn of unpleasant taste, Ambon, Indonesia, February 2012
AMP 0168
dorid nudibranch or sea slug laying an egg mass in a spiral pattern, Ambon, Indonesia, February 2012
AMP 0169
CAMOUFLAGE: soft coral cowry Cypraea sp. hides in soft coral, looks just like its host, Ambon, Indonesia, February 2012
AMP 0170
sea cucumber (Holothuria fuscogilva), very popular on Asian market; Ambon, Indonesia, February 2012